Friday 31 May 2013

Serce Limani

The storm was over so we were up and about early and left our mooring at 7.45am glad to be on the move again to explore the Coastline. The 1st 3hrs we motored and visited a bay called Sogut. 

We had planned on anchoring in Sogut the previous day but due to the Southerly storm we had to stay where we were. By now we had a good steady southerly for the rest of the day and sailed onto a mooring in Serce around 3.45pm for the night. This bay was different again from others we had moored in. It looked as though you were heading to sheer cliffs then just when you think your navigation is wrong the entrance to Serce opens up between the cliffs and  you sail through a narrow entrance into a landlocked natural harbour. It was beautiful. Tony dropped me off on shore so I could do some exploring around the place. When you use their moorings you are expected to use their restaurant in all these bays. They also provide WiFi toilets and showers if you want to use them. It does mean you can rest easy at night and have a good night sleep especially with the change of conditions we have had although not what we expected on this coast. 
 After a beer we went ashore for our meal. It was a great little primitive place all run by a family very similar to our first night on the water. Another fantastic day was had by all.

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